Thursday, March 25, 2021

Enjoying the Butterfly Garden ?

The only financial support the Norchester Garden Club gets for the Butterfly Garden in Matzke Park is from ABCS through the Kroger Reward program.  It takes just a few minutes to sign up and link your Kroger card to the number WT732. Getting a Kroger account also provides you with generous monthly coupons for Kroger. It does not impact your fuel points.

You need a digital account to register your card for the garden support. You likely already have a card; you may need to create an account for it. 
Create or log into your Kroger account at

here is all you need to do
         Sign into your Kroger Digital Account   
  1. ·        Select ‘My Account’.
  2. ·        Scroll down to the ‘Community Rewards’ section of your account page.
  3. ·        Select ‘Enroll Now’ or ‘Edit’.
  4. ·        Enter the number of the organization that you wish to support.
                 Ours is WT732
     Association for Better Community Schools (ABCS)
  5. ·        Select it and click on ‘Save’.

You can tell if your signup is active and current by checking the very end of your Kroger Grocery Receipt.  If all is well, it will say you are linked to Association for Better Community Schools.

Kroger sends a check, four  times each year to ABCS, which then sends it on to the Garden Club Treasurer .   With only 5 or 6 loyal gardeners signed up this past year, the checks have been for  $33.51,  $37.42, $44.56, and $39.53.    Every little bit helps.   Please sign up and remind your friends and family. Your fuel points are not impacted by this. But it has a big impact on the garden. The money ABCS gives to the garden club is used exclusively for new plants and maintenance like repairs to the extensive watering system.

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