It is getting colder.. a bit earlier then might be expected. Also, time to think about celebrating Christmas with some bright color. The Norchester Garden club Horticulture report has been published and it is on a Christmas favorite.. the poinsettia.
You may read, print, or download it at this link just by clicking:
And.. here is a link to the report on Christmas Cactus from December 2013..
And, since you may have forgotten, in January of this year the publication was a "Frost Special"..
Various methods of protecting your plants were described along with other information that may be a good reminder.
We use frost cloth of different types, and in some cases small Christmas lights provide just enough additional warmth. You will find this report by clicking:
The Board Members of the Norchester Garden Club met today and in additional to their normal business, took time out to assemble a basket of butterfly items for a fundraiser of the Houston Federation of Garden Clubs.
And speaking of fundraisers, the Norchester Garden Club's annual "Rummage Sale" is a main source of their income. The ladies put a lot of time and effort gathering, pricing, and selling these various treasures. You might choose to stop by the Norchester Activity Center on this Friday or Saturday and see what surprises it has to offer. They have everything from toys to clothing. And you will certainly find plenty of "stocking stuffers."