Here are some short tips that might be helpful from Ron Krupp Author of The Woodchuck's Guide to Gardening
If the pile is too dry, water it.
If the pile gets too hot from too much nitrogen, cool it down by opening it up and adding some with carbon materials like hay and leaves. (we have never bothered with a thermometer) You will smell ammonia (nitrogen gas) in the case where too much fresh animal manure is present. Have you ever been over-come by the odor of chicken manure? What you smell is the ammonia (nitrogen gas).
If the pile is too soggy, there is not enough oxygen; aerate the pile and add some dry materials.
Add lime or wood ashes if the heap begins to smell like garbage. Don't throw in meat scraps unless you want skunks in your backyard-and the sound of screaming neighbors.
The key to successful composting is to have enough air and water, the right ingredients and the correct carbon (straw, hay) to nitrogen (fresh grass clippings, animal manures) ratio. Fresh manure mixed with hay bedding from a barn is the ideal combination. (good luck with that) This translates into about 12 parts carbon and one part nitrogen or a 12 to 1 ration. Most home gardeners use what materials are available.
Leaves are the most abundant and easily accessible material for the compost pile. One of gardening's enduring misconceptions is that leaves such as maple and oak are acidic. Leaves that have gone through the composting process and come out as leaf mold test close to a neutral (pH) of seven. In fact, no matter what kind of tree foliage, including pine needles, the final product will have a pH of between six and seven. That's almost perfect for most plants. (pH refers to the sweetness or acidity of a soil.
They're a nitrogen source when the leaves are green and a
carbon source when the leaves are brown and dry. The problem is that some
leaves mat down when wet, which means if they are placed in the compost pile,
they'll pack down and exclude air from the mix and shed water off the pile.
Flat leaves such as sugar maples tend to mat together and curly ones such as
oaks and silver maples are an airier choice, but they all mat down to some
extent when wet.The best way of dealing with leaves is to shred
them with a lawn mower or leaf blower. (or tiller) Or pile them up and let them sit for a
few years, turning the pile now and then.
(The sign tells the lawn guys where to put the clippings thanks to Google Spanish Translator)