Tuesday Aug 14 at 8:30 AM will be a work day. While a lot of trimming was done last week, we have to spray the replanting area once again and the garden is still in need of trimming, and dead heading. There were lots of butterflies this morning at the park. They appreciate the dense foliage.
You might have noticed all the Day Care programs this spring and summer at Matzke Park. A big shout out of thanks to Joan for increasing the awareness of the park to all the day cares she had contacted this spring.
I am looking forward to connecting with the Garden Club's Butterfly Garden Director. ABCS continues to view the Butterfly Garden as its main project.
The county continues to work to connect Cypress Creek Greenway Project to Matzke Park. When that happens there will be trails for miles that begin for us just behind the bank at Jones and Grant.
Words for the Day: " It is what it is--but it will become what we make it."